¿Podría Bitcoin ser la respuesta a los esfuerzos de desdolarización de los países BRICS?

🚨 Atención, futuros millonarios criptográficos! 🚨 ¿Cansado de recibir tus consejos financieros de galletas de la fortuna? Únete a nuestro canal de Telegram para las últimas noticias en criptomonedas. ¿Dónde más puedes encontrar esquemas para hacerte rico rápidamente, caídas de mercado y memes infinitos en un solo lugar? No te lo pierdas – ¡tu Lambo te espera! 🚀📉

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  • El BND ahora trabaja para ampliar el uso de monedas locales para “desdolarizar”
  • Bitcoin podría ser la próxima gran moneda de reserva

Como analista experimentado con más de dos décadas de experiencia en finanzas y economía globales, he sido testigo del flujo y reflujo de monedas y sistemas financieros en todo el mundo. El reciente anuncio del Nuevo Banco de Desarrollo (NDB) de ampliar el uso de monedas locales es de hecho un paso significativo hacia la desdolarización, y es fascinante ver cómo este movimiento cobra impulso entre los países BRICS.

120 países de todo el mundo participaron hace poco en el Foro Municipal Internacional de los países BRICS. Luego de este evento, el Nuevo Banco de Desarrollo celebró su 9ª Reunión Anual. Los titulares de hoy hablan de este evento después de que la presidenta del NDB, Dilma Rousseff, declarara que el banco está dando grandes pasos para aumentar el uso de monedas locales, lo que puede interpretarse como un esfuerzo para reducir la dependencia del dólar estadounidense, un proceso al que a menudo se hace referencia como de -dolarización.

De ahí la pregunta: ¿Qué significa esto para Bitcoin?

Según Rousseff,

El principal foco del Banco Nacional se realizará en monedas locales.

¿Un movimiento internacional?

The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular «BRICS currency» At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years.

“Aumenta nuestras opciones de pago y reduce nuestras vulnerabilidades”.

Es importante señalar que la mayoría del mundo aún no ha dejado de utilizar el dólar estadounidense. Como lo indica el Dollar Dominance Monitor del Atlantic Council, el dólar estadounidense constituye aproximadamente el 58% de todas las reservas de divisas del mundo y también controla aproximadamente el 88% de todas las transacciones internacionales en divisas.

¿Podría Bitcoin ser la respuesta a los esfuerzos de desdolarización de los países BRICS?

Desde mi perspectiva como investigador, está claro que la desdolarización no es algo que podamos esperar que ocurra en el futuro cercano o incluso en el mediano plazo. Sin embargo, es importante reconocer los importantes avances de China hacia la desdolarización de su propia economía con el tiempo.

¿Podría Bitcoin ser la respuesta a los esfuerzos de desdolarización de los países BRICS?

En cambio, es muy posible que esta tendencia continúe durante un período más largo. Esto es particularmente cierto dado que la participación del dólar estadounidense en todas las reservas internacionales de divisas ha disminuido significativamente sólo en los últimos ocho años, cayendo del 65,3% al 58,8%. Además, numerosos países, especialmente aquellos relacionados con los BRICS, han estado adquiriendo oro incluso cuando los precios han subido.

¿Podría Bitcoin ser la respuesta a los esfuerzos de desdolarización de los países BRICS?

La reputación del oro como refugio seguro y medio para almacenar valor ha aumentado significativamente desde 2019, especialmente tras el brote de COVID-19. Este aumento del interés también se ha extendido a otros activos que comparten características similares, como el oro. Recientemente, Bitcoin y las criptomonedas han surgido como otra clase de activos con tales propiedades.

¿Bitcoin al rescate?

Por ejemplo, países como Rusia e Irán han comenzado a utilizar Bitcoin y la minería de Bitcoin como método para reducir el impacto de las sanciones internacionales que enfrentan. En particular, Rusia está experimentando actualmente con plataformas de comercio de criptomonedas para determinar cómo se pueden facilitar estas transacciones digitales a través de las fronteras.

Al igual que las entidades individuales, los BRICS han mostrado interés en introducir una moneda digital respaldada por oro, como resultado de conversaciones pasadas sobre el establecimiento de una «moneda BRICS».

Más allá de estas pasiones, numerosas naciones expresan gran interés en emular a El Salvador acumulando Bitcoin como activo de reserva nacional. En 2021, el presidente Bukele propuso esta medida con el objetivo de desacoplar la economía del dólar estadounidense, a pesar de enfrentar críticas de instituciones como el Banco Mundial y el FMI por esta decisión.

2024 presenta un nuevo panorama, con entidades destacadas como MicroStrategy y Metaplanet incursionando en las criptomonedas. Además, los fondos cotizados en bolsa (ETF) de Bitcoin y Ethereum han atraído una atención significativa en Wall Street, lo que indica un creciente interés institucional en esta clase de activos.

En conjunto, estos avances señalan un posible aumento de las criptomonedas en el futuro cercano. Si los países BRICS logran desvincularse del dólar estadounidense y desviar sólo una pequeña porción de la liquidez actual del dólar hacia criptomonedas, el panorama del mercado podría alterarse dramáticamente.

2024-09-03 21:08